For organisations who want to show climate leadership.

Submission in PDF is below.
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Or you may download the submission by clicking HERE.
Transport, Tasmania’s second highest emitting sector at 21%, needs to be decarbonised if we are to reach our net zero by 2030 target. But with electric vehicle ownership at less than 1% and public transport and active transport use low, more needs to be done to incentivise uptake.
Join Climate Tasmania for this Politics-In-The-Pub event on August 2nd, to discuss the next stop for emissions reductions in lutruwita/Tasmania: electrification of vehicles, and increased public and active transport.
Speakers include Sarah Russell (RECFIT), Professor Richard Eccleston (UTAS Policy Exchange), Anthony Broese van Groenou (Good Car Co.), Alison Hetherington (Bicycle Network), and Rachel Hay (Climate Tasmania).
Attendance is free, but registration is essential: Register Here
Read our report, outlining a transport transition plan for Tasmania, below.
“With transport sector emissions reduction plans in development, there’s no better time than now for the Tasmanian Government to put the policies in place to transition to EVs. Based on international and interstate counterparts, this paper outlines possible, practical, and popular policies – providing a potential roadmap to accelerate EV uptake.”
Note: To advance the pages please hover over the PDF below and click the turn page arrow lower left.
Alternatively, you may download the PDF file by clicking HERE
Climate-Tasmania-Plug-it-in-change-the-world-2You can view Rachel Hay’s presentation by clicking HERE.
Note: To advance the pages please hover over the PDF below and click the turn page arrow lower left.
Or you can download the PDF file by clicking HERE
Impacts-of-Firewood-Use-in-TasmaniaBelow is Climate Tasmania’s analysis of recent reforms of the Tasmanian Climate Change Act that were passed late last year.
Our summary includes:
Note: To advance the pages please hover over the PDF below and click the turn page arrow lower left.
Or you can download the PDF file by clicking here:
CCA-2022-amendments(To advance pages please hover cursor over bottom of page)
TISC-CT-Climate-amendments-drafting-instructions-with-rationale-2Note: This is a 4 page submission, please click follow-on arrow at bottom of document to progress pages.
CT-and-TISC-Climate-Change-Bill-amendments-6-March-2022This is a follow-up for readers who would like to keep up to date with this important project as it unfolds.
Climate Tasmania and the Tasmanian Independent Science Council invite you to our upcoming forum:
Join us at this important public meeting to discuss how changes to Tasmania’s Climate Change Act can be an opportunity for lutruwita / Tasmania to be a real leader in addressing climate change.
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